Applications are morphing into service components. Applications which were earlier a simple, down loadable app is now being enabled and put into a service cloud and consumers have no problems but all praises. All of a sudden things were costing much are now seemingly pay per usage.
Nothing will be heavily cried upon than a loss of revenue for the provider or excess payment for consumer. When both parties try making money from the cloud, any loss is a wasted sunset.
By the way check out an interesting link I found at
Analysts say that the public cloud will bring more benefits than private. While this is quite clear, as providers will share infrastructure and reduce maintenance costs in a multi-tenant model, security is not still touched upon. But, there are Secured high speed execution strategies and technology for the cloud, needs to be well defined where ever the case may be prior to activation. A simple SSL or encryption may not solve and may become an overhead.
Applications who will gallop towards the gold rush will fall on their nose because; it is not about viability anymore with the apps. These apps were well functioning tools before. Service enablement was only for the best of the interest of all parties.
Throwing apps in the cloud will give rise to fail in systems at large. – A cathartic Prediction. (That is my prediction by the way J ) But may what it be, a rush to activate apps will result in bad models. The catastrophe of this model is, not all parties will be at loss. There will be,  last man standing with the loot. This for no reason, will generate any interest in any parties. A best one step and only way would be to efficiently meter the usage and meter it with middlemen as beneficiaries.
Companies with marketing dynamics, have been able to be little successful in bringing SaaS companies onboard. But with confusions and lack of clarity on models of a SaaS enabled app on profitability, companies are yet to fully consent and agree on cashing out work.
Most of the confusions arise from the enterpries not being able to see a concrete proof of revenue. Companies onboard since years such as, success factors  etc have not shown humongous profits. There is profit, but not yet there to demonstrate a run for the hive.“Pay as you go’ model is a highly productive environment. But in order to tie billing and metering to your service enabled application, a good hosted environment must exist. A few key things that a SaaS provider must keep in mind:-
Ø “Pay as you go†facilitation
Ø   Contract management
Ø   Parameterizations of  SLA’s enabling accurate results and satisfactory uptimes.
Ø   Service Catalogue, trials and acquisition of services
Ø    Secured payment, purging of financial data if necessary and security
Ø   Seamless integration & final activation.
Ø   Recurring rating, billing, payment and timely automated scam free reporting.
Ø   Accurate Infrastructure costing as part of billing. Single customer views.
Be happy while activating a worry free invoicing, payment and billing system for SaaS enabled application. Yes, I like to hear if you have created enough rocking. I have little time now, since I have reduced daily caffeine intakes by 2%.
Feel free to shout out.