New Age Modernization, Dev Ops and You.

DevOps initiatives have already reached a turning point within enterprises. Many have set foot on the deep waters and they don’t know yet. This is mainly because of lack of involvement of third-party domain experts or external thinkers who can bring in fresh thinking within the enterprise. What should have been a change or shift in existing process to be more agile has ended up as nothing but an a deployment automation. Deploying applications to multiple systems are changing; no doubt, but that by alone will not suffice the need to be agile and be lean. This visibility across enterprises are a big problem. Those who can scale well will be winners in the future. They will be successful, however, to scale you need the visibility. One must know that the issues is not because of lack of technology or lack of processes but difficulty to scale well. This can only be attained from one type of personality; the people who are well versed in technology and equally good in understanding the business model and processes within companies. Somebody who has the vision about that particular domain. For egs, a company who is selling candies must think about what kids movies are being released in the market from time to time. For the aforementioned to happen, companies must implement systems or applications. Such applications must foresee multiple devices coming into the market space. Such is the new global modern market place.

Another key factor to look into, is the uprising of the cloud nature. It is predicted that in coming years, more and more enterprises will move towards the cloud. Cloud security is being redefined and this redefinition of cloud security will give rise to tremendous possibilities for small businesses to move to cloud environment and doing “cloud business”. Given the above scenario, it is very clear to all that the nature of doing business and therefore IT is evolving as a more complex work rather than developing a few lines of code. Integration, new technological breakthroughs, understanding multiple types of businesses and being able to scale, most importantly becomes important. Within this context, there are few things companies should do in order to prepare themselves. One of them which is being heavily talked about is the way to become agile. For agility Dev Ops is also being discussed and so is continuous integration and continuous deployment, Server Deploy which pretty much eludes to nothing but deployment to production. But this alone does not trigger change; because change is imperative for all of the above to happen. It should start somewhere. Here are top 10 things that you could think of and ignite the change.

Initiate the change through systems of engagements. Silicon valley based Author, advisor and a speaker, Geoffrey Moore wrote, where he defines about “Systems of engagement”. This touches upon modernization and IT. You can read it here in this wiki. You could also get video and presentations on this subject given by Geoffrey Moore.
Today processes are turning into Microservices. Traditional webservices still do exist but transformation is going on. This transformation is pushed from bottom up more than anything else, where developers are pushing this type of change more than business demanding it. Therefore it may be out of place many times. While microservices by itself has advantages, having it rolled out for already existing applications sporadically may cause investment drains and operational challenges.
Bring in new tools and services. Network has become part of the DNA in applications. When you have an application, the network participation in accessing the application has a major part to do with network and availability. So bring tools that help in managing several of these components. For egs, bring in Sophisticated API Management tools that are little different from already existing API management tools. Here check for network awareness and see how good they can detect nodes and automatically detect API’s and metadata attached to it. Visualization is another key factor to look for.
Identifying good resources have always been a challenge within software engineering. Who knows the code better is difficult at times to know. At the same time, a good coder may not be an appropriate coder for certain kind of work. Bring in leaders and mentors who could do this task. Inculcate positive feelings within teams. This is important when you are about to make a shift. Remember a change may be difficult, but the end result of change will be fruitful.
Hold tech talks like sessions. When doing so bring more people and allow them to talk. Make it interactive. Making it interactive requires the organizer to be a good leader. Develop leadership qualities. Follow linkedin leaders, influencers and bloggers.
Make meetings a necessity for the team members. Make it interesting. A leader must be knowledgeable and must be a leader of leaders today where social media pumps in thousands of things to the team members. What you are about to execute may be something that they have already seen and your initiative may be a thing of the past. For this to not happen, collaborate, discuss, share knowledge. Bring in new vendors, new people and brush shoulders with giants.
As mentioned above, make a linkedin or twitter account. Add them to your connections or follow to get their updates. One way to collaborate is by making your presence in social media because collaborations ignite innovation.
Conduct healthchecks or assessment services. What is the best way to know how good is your health? Simply by a healthcheck, you know a lot about your hidden treasures and how to utilize them. Constant check is important. Bring in third-party and get a second opinion or an unbiased view. If you want to do an ONLINE assessment to know where you are please click here.
Did you know, there are new kinds of decision makers. These decision makers don’t decide based on facts. They make decisions based on data that they see and the future state that of that data which predicts. These kind of decision makers are in the making. You should know this as we move up the stack.
A fish inside a fish tank only knows the nice generated oxygen and the abundant food given to it. What lies in the ocean and the vastness, freedom and the massiveness of its power to splash the water, the fish does not know. I would get to know by inviting them and hearing them talk about the ocean and blue sky. What I have seen farther and farther is by standing on the shoulders of giants. Remember it is not the end of the world.
For big data assessment on intuitive visualization, please connect with me. Using various bigdata visualization tools, applications can be developed that will address the data based, futuristic decision makers. Connect with me.

Sunny Menon Sunny Menon is a software executive with large enterprise architecture background with over 20+ years of experience in the design, architecture, development of high volume enterprise applications. He has experience enabling cloud environment for enterprise applications. Designed and developed a bigdata products. He has helped #startups evolve from conceptual stages through definition of the actual product by aligning them with industry requirements, developing proof-of-concept and demonstrating the product thereby, helping in seeking funding from VCs. He has extensive experience in the integration of large enterprise applications, middle-ware and modernization of enterprise applications centered around SOA/SaaS/PaaS/Cloud environments. At night, he enjoys 'staring' at the night skies and thinks, twinkle twinkle little star, how I STILL WONDER what you are.... He is a cruel poet who walks bare foot at times, to feel the beauty of the earth. Advisory Board Member and Investor : RiverLog Software Technical advisory to Executive Board Member - Stencil Research Strategist : TechBeat CISO - Paragon Security

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